
Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton

Darkness Becomes Her (Gods & Monsters 1) by Kelly Keaton

A dark and lush paranormal romance set in a richly reimagined New Orleans–now in paperback!Ari can’t help feeling lost and alone. With teal eyes and freakish silver hair that can’t be changed or destroyed, Ari has always stood out. And after growing up in foster care, she longs for some understanding of where she came from and who she is.Her search for answers uncovers a message from her long dead mother: Run. Ari can sense that someone, or something, is getting closer than they should. But it’s impossible to protect herself when she doesn’t know what she’s running from or why she is being pursued.

She knows only one thing: she must return to her birthplace of New 2, the lush rebuilt city of New Orleans. Upon arriving, she discovers that New 2 is very…different. Here, Ari is seemingly normal. But every creature she encounters, no matter how deadly or horrifying, is afraid of “her.”

Ari won’t stop until she knows why. But some truths are too haunting, too terrifying, to ever be revealed. (Goodreads)

The book is set in future New Orleans after the hurricanes. Ari has grown in foster homes and has tried to find out who her parents are, and maybe an explanation to her silver hair and teal eyes. After finding out her mother committed suicide, Ari finds letter in written by her mother that warns of a curse and to stay away from New 2 (New Orleans as it’s now called).
After Ari is attacked she decides to leave for New 2 where she discovers more about her family and meets new friends.

This is bit darker YA book and that’s probably why I enjoyed it so much. It was very action packed with kick-ass heroin and Greek mythology. What’s not to like?

I liked Ari and she’s not damsel in distress by any means. Her latest foster parents taught her to use weapons and defend herself. She has somehow foul mouth and there was surprisingly much cursing for YA book, I thought it was refreshing.

The book was much shorter than I would have guessed and the events takes place in few days time. And because of that there’s lot going on all the time which was fine except for the romance part. It just felt so rushed and again it takes pretty much one look and she’s head over heels in love. I liked them together but I wish there would have been more developing there.

But aside from that thing I loved the book and it was quite fast reading. Can’t wait for the next book!

And I have to say I like US cover so much more. I’m not fan of this one at all.

Published: Simon & Schuster (2011)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 273
Source: library

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