Omens (Cainsville 1) by Kelley Armstrong
Olivia Jones has lived a life of privilege and good fortune. But on the eve of her wedding she discovers two shocking facts. One – she was adopted. Two – her biological parents are notorious serial killers. And now the secret’s out, she’s in immediate danger.
Running for her life, Liv must face reality in the most brutal and terrifying way. But then she is confronted with a tantalising hope – is it possible that her parents weren’t guilty of the murders after all? And if so, who did commit them?
Arriving at the remote town of Cainsville, Liv believes she has found the perfect place to hide while she uncovers the truth. But Cainsville is no ordinary town – and Liv’s arrival was no accident. (back cover)
Olivia Taylor-Jones comes from a wealthy family and has had a life of privilege. But then everything changes when she learns that she’s adopted, and her biological parents are infamous serial killers. The ensuing scandal drives Olivia from Chicago to a small town called Cainsville.
While trying to re-investigate her parent’s crimes, Olivia starts to notice something peculiar about the town.
I’ve read one Kelley Armstrong book before which I liked and I had high expectations for this one. And it didn’t disappoint me!
I liked Olivia who at first was just another poor little rich girl but she really grew after settling into Cainsville and learning to take care of herself instead of using the family money. When she learned about the adoption, she didn’t run straight into the arms of her biological family and still thought her adoptive parents as her parents. I really liked that even if her mother didn’t win the mother of the year price after fleeing to Europe from the scandal…
I think the best thing in the book was Gabriel. He was a lawyer who once represented Olivia’s mother and now helps her re-investigate. I sense a future love interest and I’m looking forward to it!
There is paranormal aspect in the book but it’s more mystery book. It worked for me but I haven’t read many of the author’s previous books so I don’t have much to compare it to. I guess we learn more about the town in the next books maybe paranormal things starts to come up too.
This wasn’t very action packed and felt like it prepared us for the things to come, but I didn’t realize until after the book was over that there didn’t happen that much in the book after all. But it kept me very entertained that’s for sure.
Published: Sphere (2013)
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 486
Source: publisher
November 14, 2013 at 22:27Eh maybe…bwt how much did Blood Song cost at the store?
November 15, 2013 at 22:21I haven’t seen it in the store. I got it from publisher. Sorry can’t help you!
November 15, 2013 at 22:50Oh pooh. Tried to look and it was really expensive…hm
Ebook from NG?
November 16, 2013 at 22:59Never used NG. I got hardcover.
November 17, 2013 at 00:13whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Omg, please tell me how and hook me pup.
Oh and OMG akateeminen! *heaven* but so expensive :/
November 17, 2013 at 00:16hm..up lol