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diana gabaldon


An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon

An Echo in the Bone (Outlander 7) by Diana Gabaldon

Jamie Fraser is an eighteenth-century Highlander, an ex-Jacobite traitor, and a reluctant rebel in the American Revolution. His wife, Claire Randall Fraser, is a surgeon—from the twentieth century. What she knows of the future compels him to fight. What she doesn’t know may kill them both.

With one foot in America and one foot in Scotland, Jamie and Claire’s adventure spans the Revolution, from sea battles to printshops, as their paths cross with historical figures from Benjamin Franklin to Benedict Arnold.

Meanwhile, in the relative safety of the twentieth century, their daughter, Brianna, and her husband experience the unfolding drama of the Revolutionary War through Claire’s letters. But the letters can’t warn them of the threat that’s rising out of the past to overshadow their family. (Goodreads)

I loved that Jamie and Claire visited Scotland we got to see Jamie’s family there again. We get to see lot more of Jamie’s son William but I thought those were the most boring chapters. It didn’t help he wrote very long letters to Lord John which were pretty tedious to read and ended up mostly skimming those … But there was much more of John Grey in this book and I have to confess I have soft spot for John. But boy, I would have loved to see how Jamie took that little surprise in the end!

Brianna and Roger are back in the 1980’s and I wasn’t huge fan of those scenes. There was something going on with their daughter, someone is stuck in the future and stuff happened but somehow I’ve never liked Brianna much so that was kinda boring.

I really hope Young Ian gets his girl in the next book because that boy sure needs some happiness in his life.

Published: Dell (2011)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 1149
Source: my own


A Breath Of Snow And Ashes by Diana Gabaldon

A Breath Of Snow And Ashes (Outlander 6) by Diana Gabaldon

The year is 1772, and on the eve of the American Revolution, the long fuse of rebellion has already been lit. Men lie dead in the streets of Boston, and in the backwoods of North Carolina, isolated cabins burn in the forest.

With chaos brewing, the governor calls upon Jamie Fraser to unite the backcountry and safeguard the colony for King and Crown. But from his wife Jamie knows that three years hence the shot heard round the world will be fired, and the result will be independence — with those loyal to the King either dead or in exile. And there is also the matter of a tiny clipping from The Wilmington Gazette, dated 1776, which reports Jamie’s death, along with his kin. For once, he hopes, his time-traveling family may be wrong about the future. (Goodreads)

I liked the book but there was some boring parts too. I loved the books much more when they were in Scotland, and I have to confess I don’t know much about The American Revolutionary War. It’s just not really my era. And I’ve always thought Roger was boring and there were quite a few chapters by him.

I loved hearing more about Ian’s time with the Indians and his wife. It’s been awhile since I read the last book but I thought his wife was dead? Maybe I’m just remembering wrong or confusing it with their daughter…I so hope we get to see more Ian in the future!

Published: Dell (2008)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 1438
Source: my own


The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon

The Fiery Cross (Outlander 5) by Diana Gabaldon

The year is 1771, and war is coming. Jamie Fraser’s wife tells him so. Little as he wishes to, he must believe it, for hers is a gift of dreadful prophecy—a time-traveler’s certain knowledge. Claire’s unique view of the future has brought him both danger and deliverance in the past; her knowledge of the oncoming revolution is a flickering torch that may light his way through the perilous years ahead—or ignite a conflagration that will leave their lives in ashes. (Goodreads)

The book starts where the last book ends. Jamie, Claire, Brianna, Roger and Jemmy are living in America and its few years before The American Revolutionary War. There is already unrest seen by people called the Regulators which leads to fighting, and Fraser’s are caught up in it.

While I liked this book it wasn’t as good as the previous ones. There wasn’t anything big happening, we just see them living their lives. There were parts that dragged on and for the first time I really felt that the book could have been lot shorter.

I loved seeing the relationship growing between Jamie and Roger. Jamie didn’t seem to have too high opinion of Roger in the last book and I’m happy to see that changing.
I still wish that we could have Fergus’s POV instead of Roger’s but I wouldn’t want to lose him though.

I loved the last surprise at the end but I really want to know what happened that lead to it!

Published: Dell (2005)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 1443
Source: my own


Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon

Drums of Autumn (Outlander 4) by Diana Gabaldon

It began in Scotland, at an ancient stone circle. There, a doorway, open to a select few, leads into the past—or the grave. Claire Randall survived the extraordinary passage, not once but twice. Her first trip swept her into the arms of Jamie Fraser, an eighteenth-century Scot whose love for her became legend—a tale of tragic passion that ended with her return to the present to bear his child. Her second journey, two decades later, brought them together again in frontier America. But Claire had left someone behind in the twentieth century. Their daughter, Brianna….

Now Brianna has made a disturbing discovery that sends her to the stone circle and a terrifying leap into the unknown. In search of her mother and the father she has never met, she is risking her own future to try to change history…and to save their lives. But as Brianna plunges into an uncharted wilderness, a heartbreaking encounter may strand her forever in the past…or root her in the place she should be, where her heart and soul belong…. (Goodreads)

Jamie and Claire lives now in America They have some lands in the middle of wilderness and they’re ready to settle to “normal” married life. The local Indians are relatively peaceful and Jamie’s nephew Ian becomes good friend with them.

In the 20th century Brianna is trying to find what happens to his parents. She’s also coming closer to Roger Wakefield, who helped Claire to trace Jamie. When Brianna finds old newspaper article about her parents she decides to go through the stones without telling Roger. When Roger finds out she has left, he’s determined to find her.

Yet another godd book by Gabaldon! I enjoyed it but still thought it to be the weakest book in the serie so far. But that doesn’t mean it was bad! I just found Roger so utterly boring. And there were too many pages from his point of view. He seemed more interesting in the future time.

I liked to see how Brianna and Jamie got to know each other and their relationship grow. AndI liked how well she get along with John Grey. But I didn’t understand how John could be so uninterested about his wife’s death.

The one thing I could have lived without was Brianna getting raped. I just didn’t see the point of it…

Published: Dell (1997)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 1070
Source: my own


Voyager by Diana Gabaldon

Voyager (Outlander 3) by Diana Gabaldon

Their passionate encounter happened long ago by whatever measurement Claire Randall took. Two decades before, she had traveled back in time and into the arms of a gallant eighteenth-century Scot named Jamie Fraser. Then she returned to her own century to bear his child, believing him dead in the tragic battle of Culloden. Yet his memory has never lessened its hold on her… and her body still cries out for him in her dreams.

Then Claire discovers that Jamie survived. Torn between returning to him and staying with their daughter in her own era, Claire must choose her destiny. And as time and space come full circle, she must find the courage to face the passion and pain awaiting her…the deadly intrigues raging in a divided Scotland… and the daring voyage into the dark unknown that can reunite—or forever doom—her timeless love. (Goodreads)

The book starts with Claire, who’s been living in her own time the past twenty years. In the last book she met a historian who found out that Jamie didn’t die at Culloden. She’s been planning on going back for the last 5 months. Her appearance in the past tooks Jamie totally by surprise and while they learn to know each other again after twenty years apart, they have to save Jamies’s nephew (Young) Ian.

I have to say that I love these books! The book really started to come alive after Claire finds Jamie. I liked how they were showed learning to know each other again. No wonder you’d be a little akward when you haven’t seen each other in such a long time and so much has happened to them. I was getting kinda annoyed at Jenny though, why did you had to meddle in Jamie’s things?And by that I mean getting Jamie married to Laoghaire! That was the only problem I had with the book… I so wish we hear more of Fergus in the future. Poor man had a very interesting wedding… Most hilarious thing in the book :)

Published: Dell (1994)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 1059
Source: my own