The Killing of Richard III by Robert Farrington
1483: King Edward IV dies, leaving two innocent young princes in line to the throne. But when scandal and conspiracy explodes around their claim, Richard of Gloucester is proclaimed king. Shortly after, the princes vanish, and storm clouds begin to gather around the newly crowned King Richard III.
Fighter, philanderer and royal spy Henry Morane is tasked with investigating the princes’ disappearance, the attempted kidnap of the exiled Lancastrian leader Henry Tudor and the hunting out of traitors amid Richard’s supporters.
And at the bloody battle of Bosworth Field, King Richard and Henry Morane will face a fatal trial that will dictate the path of history. (back cover)
When Henry Morane, chief clerk to the King’s Secretary, finds out he’s mistress is also William Stanley’s mistress, he’s in for a trouble. Even more so when Alice slips information about rebellion that is going to happen. After attempted murder the king sends him to Brittany to capture Henry Tudor. He fails but will notice he’s life is intervened with the king.
The book started little slow and at first I was wondering where this was leading but it picked up towards the end.
I liked Morane and his humour and I was interested to see what will happen to him. He fought at Tewkesbury and remained loyal to the Yorkist cause and to Richard III during everything that happened.
After Stanley’s men tried to kill him, he was found and saved by woman named Matilda. I wasn’t huge fan of Matilda by herself and she was little annoying but I loved to see Matilda and Morane together. Their relationship and bickering was so much fun to read. Matilda could use a knife and kill but would suddenly just cry and sob and at times I just wanted to shake her. But she wouldn’t do anything just because Morane told her to and I liked her for it.
I liked how Richard III was portrayed but it took some getting used to how Francis Lovell was. He wasn’t evil but not exactly likeable either. I found it odd how everyone was calling the king as Dickon. Not to his face but when talking someone they kept calling him Dickon. I can be wrong but I didn’t think calling someone by nickname was that common back then?
I thought the idea that Elizabeth Woodville and Jane Shore were in good terms was interesting one.
“They were on good terms, those two, the Queen and the royal mistress, although they rarely lost the opportunity of sinking their barbs into each other.”
Pg. 1
I’ve never come across that anyone has suggested that but it was an interesting notion.
The book ends just after the battle of Bosworth Field where also Henry Morane fought and trying not to tell too much but I thought the book stopped too soon after the battle.
Published: Sphere (2013)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 401
Source: publisher
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